Apostolic letter for the Beatification

Apostolic letter
Recognizing the wishes of our brother
José Luis Escobar Alas
Archbishop of San Salvador in America
And of all his other brothers in the episcopate,
In order to fill the hopes of many faithful Christians,
Having consulted the matter with the Congregation for Saints
By virtue of our apostolic authority we authorize that
The Venerable Servant of God
Shepherd after the heart of Christ,
Evangelizer and father of the poor,
Heroic witness of the Kingdom of God,
Kingdom of justice, brotherhood and peace,
henceforth shall be called Blessed
and his feast celebrated
On March 24,
On which he was born to heaven,
In such place according to the mode
established by the law.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on May 14,
Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle, of the year two thousand fifteen
The third of my Pontificate.

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